Categories of Membership

Full Member:

A Full Member of the Institute shall be practising as an Auctioneer, Valuer, Estate Agent, Property Managing Agent, Letting Agent or Property Professional and have obtained a current relevant licence from the Property Services Regulatory Authority (PSRA) and satisfy the Council of IPAV as to their general character, experience and suitability.

Designatory Letters: MIPAV

Full Member Certified Valuer:

A Full Member Certified Valuer of the Institute shall be practising as an Auctioneer, Valuer, Estate Agent, Property Managing Agent, Letting Agent or Property Professional and have obtained a relevant licence from the PSRA. They must satisfy the Council of IPAV as to their general character, experience and suitability. They must have at least five years’ professional experience in the property business and supply proof of same (five years Auctioneers Licences or a letter from Revenue confirming same), of which one year must include professional experience in property valuation and supply proof of same (a letter of Appointment from a Financial or like Valuation Panel)

Designatory Letters: MIPAV (CV)

Affiliate Member:

An Affiliate Member shall be an individual of good standing in an analogous profession who must not be practising as an Auctioneer or Estate Agent, a Property Managing Agent, a Letting Agent or Property Professional and must while remaining an Affiliate Member not hold a PSRA Licence.

Designatory Letters: MIPAV Affiliate

Northern Ireland Member:

Northern Ireland Members shall be individuals resident within the six counties of Northern Ireland and suitably qualified to become Members of IPAV. They must practice solely in Northern Ireland and must be capable of submitting proof of this.

Designatory Letters: MIPAV (NI)

Overseas Member:

Overseas Members shall be individuals resident outside the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland and suitably qualified to become a Member of IPAV. They must practice solely overseas from Ireland and Northern Ireland and must be capable of submitting proof of this.

Designatory Letters: MIPAV (OS)


The Founding Members, from inception of the Institute and those Members who have been admitted to Fellowship by the Council are Fellows of the Institute. No person shall be eligible as a Fellow of the Institute unless at the date of admission he has been a Member of the Institute for ten years or at the discretion of the Council.

Designatory Letters: FIPAV

Honorary Member:

Honorary Members may be individuals who have given exceptional service to the Institute and/or public or business figures whose association with the Institute would be seen, in the opinion of Council, to be of benefit and or assistance to the Institute over a period of time.

Designatory Letters: MIPAV (HON)

Retired Member:

Retired Members shall be individuals of good standing who formerly practiced and are now retired as an Auctioneer, Estate Agent, Property Managing Agent, Letting Agent or Property Professional.

Designatory Letters: (RTD)