Draft Programme For Government – IPAV Welcomes New Housing Programme But Expresses Some Concerns

Thursday 16th January, 2025                                

Draft Programme For Government – IPAV Welcomes New Housing Programme But Expresses Some Concerns

IPAV, the Institute of Professional Auctioneers & Valuers, has welcomed the new draft government deal saying the commitment to a new all of Government national housing plan was positive but said the plan to build 300,000 new homes by the end of 2030 will remain aspirational until underlying reforms are implemented that will actually deliver on that ambition. 

Pat Davitt, IPAV’s Chief Executive said: “In this regard we wish the new Government well in attempting to achieve its ambition.”

It was notable, he said, that the programme includes a commitment to integrate the existing Housing Delivery Groups into a new Strategic Housing & Infrastructure Delivery Office under the Minister for Housing to help coordinate and accelerate home building by unblocking infrastructure delays.

“This is important because it recognises that delivery is key,” Mr Davitt said.

“However, one of our major concerns has been the lack of expertise available in the Department and any real appreciation of property market dynamics that would support the relevant Minister and Government in achieving their desired objectives.”

Noting that the plan commits to creating a Cabinet Committee on Infrastructure, chaired by the Taoiseach, to drive infrastructural delivery, accountability and value for money, he said this was the kind of structure housing needed.

“If housing is a priority it needs this level of attention by the Government to deliver and address the many impediments that the existing programme faced,” he said. “Otherwise there is a real risk that any Minister for Housing is one among many coming to Government seeking attention for what are often piecemeal changes proposed by well-intentioned advisers.”

Mr Davitt said IPAV welcomed the attention given to planning and infrastructure reforms saying these issues were critical, although he said a gap appeared to be the potential for SME builders and developers to contribute to housing delivery.

He also welcomed the eight week conveyancing turn around target which he said is very possible through the creation of a Seller’s Legal Pack and the implementation of the current IPAV Bill before the Dáil to back up the necessary workings of the proposal by auctioneers and solicitors.

He said IPAV would be studying the programme in detail. “It’s in all our interests, socially and economically, that our new Government succeeds in delivering on their stated ambitions.”
