TEGoVA represents the leading professional bodies in real estate valuation across Europe.
History and Role
Under its current form TEGoVA emerged in June 1997 from the former EUROVAL.
TEGoVA is the European umbrella organisation of national valuers associations. Its main objective is the creation and spreading of harmonised standards for valuation practice, for education and qualification as well as for corporate governance and ethics for valuers. It supports its member associations in the introduction and implementation of these standards. TEGoVA represents the interests of 72 associations from 38 countries with a total of over 70,000 members and speaks with a common voice on valuation to European legislators and policy-makers.
TEGoVA has three categories of members: full members, associate members and observer members.
The Group is open to:
- Associations representing valuers of the European Union
- Associations representing valuers from non- EU countries
- Associations admitted on a case-by-case basis
Natural persons cannot be members.
Legal Form
The 'European Group of Valuers' Associations', in French 'Groupe européen des associations d'experts immobiliers', in short 'TEGoVA', is a non-profit organisation (AISBL-association internationale sans but lucratif) established in Brussels, under Belgian Law.
A financial statement of the Association prepared by certified accountants is provided annually. An auditor appointed by the General Assembly certifies the financial statements.