For the past number of years IPAV have been members of CEI in Europe. In November 2015 the boards of CEI and CEPI, a larger European Real Estate Association, merged the two Associations under the name of CEPI, (The European Association of Real Estate Professionals).
This process has taken two years to fully examine the effects of the merger on the new grouping, the Association members like IPAV and overall members like IPAV individual members.
The Institute was a member of CEI as were IPAV members. IPAV members were entitled to use the designatory letters MCEI however as the CEI association is no longer in existence IPAV members can no longer use these designatory letters.
Under the new CEPI Association the Institute is a member but IPAV members are not. However, after lengthy discussions with the new CEPI association the CEPI board has decided that members of IPAV and all other associations that make up CEPI can use the designatory letters MMCEPI meaning a Member of a Member of CEPI.
This is a welcome step forward for IPAV to be a member of a larger European Grouping, however, IPAV Members must now amend business materials to include these new designatory letters MMCEPI. From January 1st 2018 all IPAV members designatory letters must be changed from MCEI to MMCEPI.