IPAV Monthly Newsletter

IPAV Newsletter February 2016 Vol 33

We received a tremendous response from IPAV Members to attend our upcoming Seminar.  Members will hear & discuss the recent changes to the Residential Tenancies Act 2004 and the implications...


IPAV Newsletter January 2016 Vol 32

After our recent President’s Charity Lunch, IPAV was delighted to present a donation to the Temple Street Foundation; our way of giving something back to a very worthy children’s charity. This...


IPAV Newsletter November 2015 Vol 30

Much appreciation to all IPAV and TEGoVA Members, Delegates, Speakers & our Media Sponsor the Irish Independent. Our Valuation Summit “Mortgage Lending Value” ‘Are We Ready’ was an enormous...


IPAV Newsletter October 2015 Vol 29

Thank you to all our speakers and the Irish Examiner for generously sponsoring our recent seminar in Cork.  It was fantastic to see such a well attendended and well received seminar, with almost...


IPAV Newsletter September 2015 Vol 28

IPAV together with TEGoVA are delighted to host this ‘ValuationSummit’ on ‘MORTGAGE LENDING VALUE - ARE WE READY’. David...


IPAV Newsletter August 2015 Vol 27

Property Industry Excellence Awards – Closing Date Extended

The closing date for entries has now been extended to Monday 31 August 2015.   We would like to especially highlight the...


IPAV Newsletter July 2015 Vol 26

Congratulations to our newly elected Presidential Team. Pictured (l-r) is Senior Vice President Alan Redmond FIPAV, of Redmond Property Consultants, Swords, Co Dublin, President Eamon O’Flaherty...


IPAV Newsletter June 2015 Vol 25

IPAV CEO attends Banking Inquiry   “With no national valuation standards for valuers in Ireland, IPAV has undertaken the role as self-regulator for its own members….. and in the absence of...


IPAV Newsletter May 2015 Vol 24

A Landmark Development for IPAV Members – The launch of the TEGoVA Residential Valuer (TRV) Status.

At its General Assembly in Berlin on 18 April, TEGoVA launched the new TEGoVA Residential...


IPAV Newsletter April 2015 Vol 23

Agri Seminar: Granville Hotel, Waterford City – 8 April 2015.  James Staines, author of the “IFA Master Lease” will be covering how to complete the Master Lease for Agricultural Land (Long Term...

